Tax rules for corporate gifts
og firmajulegaver 2025

How should corporate gifts be taxed?

DKK 600 + DKK 800 = DKK 1,400
If the total amount for company gifts exceeds DKK 1,200 annually, everything must be taxed.


Special rules for company Christmas gifts

900 kr. + 500 kr. = 1.400 kr.

If the total amount exceeds DKK 1,200, then the company Christmas gift is not taxed, as long as it costs a maximum of DKK 900.


Gifts in kind with a value of up to DKK 900
(for example wine, chocolate or a candlestick)

If the company Christmas gift has a value of no more than DKK 900, and other company gifts during the year have a value of, for example, DKK 500, then your employee only has to pay tax on the DKK 500.

  • The company Christmas gift of no more than DKK 900 counts towards the DKK 1,200 (2020) for which you as a company can give gifts for a whole year without your employee having to be taxed.
  • Company gifts of more than DKK 1,200 in 2020 (DKK 1,200 in 2020) mean that the entire amount must be taxed - however, you can keep the company Christmas gift of a maximum of DKK 900 out of the calculation.

Property gifts with a value between DKK 900 and DKK 1,200.

  • The company Christmas gift counts towards the DKK 1,200 that you as an employer can give company gifts for in 1 year, without your employees having to be taxed.
  • Company Christmas gifts of more than DKK 900 cannot be excluded from the calculation. Therefore, a company Christmas gift of DKK 901 must be taxed if the total gift amount from your company in the relevant year is greater than DKK 1,200 (2020).
    Your company can therefore very well give a company Christmas gift that has a value of up to DKK 1,200 (2024). But then it must all be taxed if your company has also given other company gifts in the year in question.

Company Christmas gifts of more than DKK 1,200 are always taxable

As a company, you must declare the amount for tax as part of the salary, and you can deduct the entire expense as an operating expense.

Cash, gift cards and the like

Your employees must pay tax on company gifts in the form of cash and gift cards that can be exchanged for cash. That type of gift also counts as part of the DKK 1,200, which constitutes the trivial limit for employee benefits.

If you want to read more about tax rules for gifts, you can visit tax directly here >

Here you will find a few examples:

The value of the christmas gift Value of other employee benefits Taxation Explanation
900 kr. None A company Christmas gift of no more than DKK 900 does not trigger any taxation.
1.200 kr. None Julegaven er ikke over bagatelgrænsen på 1.200 kr.,
og der er ikke givet andre personalegoder det år.
900 kr. 300 kr. None The total value does not exceed the trivial limit of DKK 1,200.
910 kr. 300 kr. Taxation of DKK 1,210. The trivial limit for staff benefits has been exceeded, and the exempt company Christmas gift ceiling has also been exceeded. Therefore, the entire amount must be taxed.
900 kr. 500 kr. Taxation of DKK 500. The trivial limit for staff benefits has been exceeded, but the exempt ceiling for Christmas gifts has not been exceeded. Therefore only taxation of DKK 500.